Banner Hunter

What is banner grabbing?

Hello everyone, I'm back with an awesome Hunter x Hunter banner template for you. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, like this video and leave a commen.

Whenever performing the intel-reconnaissance process during penetration testing or security auditing, we need to pay attention to the current web-server’s exposed information.

That’s where banner grabbing comes in. Banner grabbing is the act of getting software banner information (name and version), whether it’s done manually, or by using any OSINT tools that can do it for you automatically.

FTP servers, web servers, SSH servers and other system daemons often expose critical information about not only the software name, but also about the exact versions and operating systems they’re running—the ‘banner’ data in question.

  • Handmade Camo/Hunting Themed Happy Birthday Banner made with 2 layers of heavy cardstock, printed Camo paper and glitter cardstock. Your choice between Happy Birthday Only, Happy Birthday + Age (9th, 10th etc.), or Happy Birthday + Age + Name Includes 2 end Panels with orange glitter deer as shown.
  • This is the full armor set for the hunter.Destiny 2!/en-us/tid=CUSA0504200.
  • Hunter is thorough, knowledgeable and capable. He works well with patients whether in person or by telephone.

Running a banner grabbing attack against any protocol can reveal insecure and vulnerable applications which could lead to service exploitation and compromise, in the case of matching a critical CVE.

How can you proceed with a banner grabbing attack? Just choose the service you want to target, launch the request, inspect the response you get, and that’s it.

While it isn’t exactly rocket science, there is much to consider. Due to the vast amount of services, protocols and types of banners we can get, we need to examine the many different techniques and tools which can, in the end, help us throughout the OSINT discovery process.

Banner grabbing techniques

Let’s explore the different types of banner grabbing techniques.

Active banner grabbing

This is the most popular type of banner grabbing, basically the act of sending packets to the remote host and waiting for their response to analyze the data.

Active banner grabbing techniques involve opening a TCP (or similar) connection between an origin host and a remote host. It can be considered active, as your connection will be logged in the remote system. This is the most risky approach to banner grabbing as it’s often detected by some IDS.

Passive banner grabbing

On the other hand, passive banner grabbing enables you to get the same information while avoiding a high level of exposure from the origin connection. Different intermediate software and platforms can be used as a gateway to avoid a direct connection and still allow you to obtain the data you need.

Using 3rd party networks tools or services such as search engines, Shodan, or sniffing the traffic to capture and analyze packets, can help you determine software versions.

Top 7 tools to perform banner grabbing

Now let’s take a look at the best tools available for performing a banner grabbing attack, including both command-line-based tools and web-based interfaces.


Telnet is one of the most classic cross-platform clients available, one that allows you to interact with remote services for banner grabbing.

With telnet, you can query any service simply by typing:

Note that IP is the IP address, and PORT is the port where the remote service is running. If you haven’t done it yet, you may want to use a port scanner first, to determine the open ports on the remote server.

Quick example:

This will open a connection to IP address and get a response from the remote server. In this case, we targeted the 22 OpenSSH Server port, and the result was the exact version that is running on that server right now:

Interesting! That’s what we’ve been looking for.


Wget is another great tool that can lead us to the remote banner of any remote or local server. For this, we’ll use the following syntax:

The -q will suppress the normal output, and the -S parameter will print the headers sent by the HTTP server, which also works for FTP servers.

The result:

In this case, we were able to get the full banner of the remote HTTP server, detecting that it’s running Nginx, and its exact version, 1.16.1.


cURL offers the same features to fetch remote banner information from HTTP servers. Here you can use the following syntax:

The -s is used to avoid showing the progress or error messages, in short, it mutes the output; the -I parameter will show the header of all the requested pages, and finally we grep out the output to fetch the software information.

Expected output:


Nmap is another great alternative. First, we will try some built-in features by using the following syntax:

The -sV option lets us fetch the software versions, and by adding –version-intensity 5, we can get the maximum number of possible details about the remote running software.

Expected output:

By using the powerful NSE we can also try other scripts that will help us fetch remote banners easily. One good example is shown below:

You can launch this against IPs or hosts, as you prefer.

Expected output:

Videohub. As you can see, in this case, we were able to detect both SSH and HTTP servers running on the host, along with the exact software version for each.


Netcat is one of the oldest and most popular network utilities for Unix and Linux. For banner grabbing purposes, we’ll use the following command:

This is the output example targeting a remote FTP server:

In this case, we were able to grab the FTP banner -vsFTPD- and the exact software version -3.0.3-.


DMitry isn’t a classic command for Unix and Linux systems, but an infosec-based utility known primarily by security researchers. It can help you get all the information possible from a remote host, including DNS enumeration, subdomain mapping, open ports and much more.

Transmission mac app. In this case, we’ll use dmitry -p for port scanning, along with the -b flag to let it perform banner discovery. See the following syntax:

The result should be something like this:

As you can see, DMitry was able to find the open ports, along with software names and versions, letting us know the operating system the server is running. While this test was against, it works the same way for any remote host.


Attack Surface Reduction, our latest pilot product, is one of the best tools available for reducing your attack surface area. Ideal for security leaders and IT managers, this web-based utility will help you discover unseen areas of your online assets.

One aspect we’ve put a lot of work into is the port scanning and software discovery module, which allows you to easily detect open ports and exact software versions, along with OS information and platform, take a look at the following screenshot:

While some ports won’t show any information because they’ve tweaked the headers and default banner variables, when we do find one, it will be displayed by default, as in the previous Ubuntu screenshot, featuring OpenSSH 7.2p2.

In this other case, we’ve discovered the exact Apache version, along with the exposed OpenSSL (1.1.1b) and PHP version (7.2.17):

A real bonus is that ASR also allows you to fetch the data in raw JSON format, as shown below:


Banner grabbing is one of the most common techniques used in the reconnaissance process, during the initial phases of any penetration testing or real attack scenario.

If you’re new to the penetration testing world, you’ll find these tools and techniques make for a great start in your red team tasks, and from a blue team point of view, these are valuable tricks to identify exposed critical data about software running on your server. You’ll be well-equipped to prevent cybersecurity incidents in the end.

Do you want to prevent cybersecurity issues within your online infrastructure? Or boost your red team intel-gathering tasks? Check out our latest pilot product: Attack Surface Reduction - ASR, our enterprise-grade OSINT tool that will allow you to detect open ports and outdated software in an instant!


Esteban is a seasoned security researcher and cybersecurity specialist with over 15 years of experience. Since joining SecurityTrails in 2017 he’s been our go-to for technical server security and source intelligence info.

Iron Banner Hunter Armor 2020

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RaceWood Elves
Required DLCRealm of the Wood Elves
EffectPassive ability: Banner of the Hunter King
  • Constant
  • Affects friendly units within range
  • Range 40m
  • Charge Bonus +8%
  • Melee Attack +5

Iron Banner Hunter Armor

The Banner of the Hunter King is a Wood Elvesbanner in Total War: Warhammer.

Description[edit | edit source]

Banner Thunderbird Er Number

Though tattered and ancient, this banner causes forces to charge, in the name of the Hunt, before the main Elven host.

Effects[edit | edit source]

Iron Banner Hunter Armor

  • Attribute: Vanguard Deployment (assigned unit)
  • Passive ability: Banner of the Hunter King
    • Constant
    • Affects friendly units within range
    • Range 40m
    • Charge Bonus +8%
    • Melee Attack +5

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Hunter Helmet

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